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Minnesota Skills-Based Hiring Accelerator

Frequently Asked Questions

Who should attend workshops?

Business owners, C-Suite, HR directors, talent acquisition, hiring managers, learning and development specialists.

What is the difference between workshops and Communities of Practice?

Workshops take you through the complete design of the Skills-based hiring content, from job descriptions to employee professional development. The CoP’s focus on a single aspect of skills-based practices or a specific business situation in need of skills-based input. This is decided by the group present.

I am a small business.  Can I attend?

Skills-based practices offers fundamentals no matter the size of the company. In fact, smaller business may be able to formalize practices more quickly.

I have signed up for a workshop and can no longer attend.  What should I do?

If you have a replacement from your company that is able to attend, please contact Maddy Fisher at with their name and email address. If no one from your company is able to attend, please follow-up with Maddy via email for next steps.

Taking this training made me have more confidence. When I started, I had 20-22 openings and now I have 5. This helped me with how to talk to prospects and ask the right questions.
Recruiter, Commercial Cleaning Company

I want to introduce skills-based practices at my organization.  How do I start?

Building and understanding the language of competencies and skills and how that language inserts into the entire employee experience in terms of business practice. Matching that to a single position for hire need you have and to proposed success metrics and then connecting with your leadership to create buy-in based on this.

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